Download HyperNiche Verstion 2 Fixes
These are HyperNiche
version 2 and associated fixes.
You will get all the fixes when you download (Specific List Below).
Note these fixes will only work if you have purchased HyperNiche
Version 2.
Download if the last version update below is greater than your version noted in the Help |
About of HyperNiche.
HyperNiche Fixes 2.30
(4238 KB) |
XP or Earlier |
Vista or 7 or Later |
Download and save the fix file as
niche2fixes.exe in your
My Downloads folder.
If HyperNiche is already running,
exit before continuing.
With Windows Explorer, navigate
to the My Downloads folder and
right click on niche2fixes.
From the popup menu select
Run As and then uncheck
Protect my computer and data
from unauthorized program activity.
Download and save the fix file as
niche2fixes.exe in your
Downloads folder.
If HyperNiche is already running,
exit before continuing.
With Windows Explorer, navigate
to the Downloads folder and
right click on niche2fixes.
From the popup menu select
Run As Administrator
Click here
to start download of niche2fixes.exe |
You will know the update was successful when the HyperNiche
title bar
reflects the latest version number above.
If you do NOT have 64 bit (x64) Windows, when you run niche2fixes.exe,
click the Browse button and change the Unzip to folder
C:\Program Files (x86)\HyperNiche 2
Files\HyperNiche 2
If after updating you get a script error with the HyperNiche
help, do the follow to register the HHActiveX.dll
Click the Windows Start button.
Select Run.
In Open, enter the following:
regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\HyperNiche 2\HHActiveX.dll"
Click OK.
Specific HyperNiche
* ver. 2.30 Fixed Graph | 3D Projection tick labels clumping in corner on some systems.
* ver. 2.29 Maintenance Update
* ver. 2.28 Fixed New Sites | File for Spreadsheet (Excel)
* ver. 2.27 Added *.jpg compression option and fixed *.jpg and *.gif graph output
for very large files.
* ver. 2.26 Fixed randomization test failure to complete, affected multiple
linear regression only. Fixed Graph Resolution dialog.
* ver. 2.25 Allow Prediction | New Sites files to be *.xls or *.xlsx.
* ver. 2.24 Improved contour labeling.
* ver. 2.23 Fixed premature termination of randomization test with binary
response and small sample size.
* ver. 2.22 Fixed Boxplot vertical axis tick marks with Resolution > 100%
* ver. 2.21 Fixed Scaterplot Matrix with Resolution > 100%. Fixed Z axis
tick marking for some ranges.
* ver. 2.20 Fixed Graph | Fit Response Curves | 3D Slices, last number in legend.
* ver. 2.19 Prediction | GIS updated to use real numbers in ASCII grids
(previously expected integers grids as in Help examples).
* ver. 2.18 Fixed 'Invalid variant operation' error when Excel not installed.
* ver. 2.17 Changed Prediction | Response to Categoricals so that an
estimate of the mean is given for each category regardless of the neighborhood size.
* ver. 2.16 Changed location of for HyperNiche temporary files to the user's Application
Data or AppData\MjM Software Design\HyperNiche 2 folder for compatibility with Vista
and Win 7 and added Documents\HyperNiche folder for the default location for user
file storage.
* ver. 2.15 Fixed Fit Model | Evaluate All Models index error when no
models are selected. Corrected small example for sensitivity analysis in companion
document. Improved formatting of model evaluation for Fit Model | Evaluate
Selected Model.
* ver. 2.14 Sensitivity analysis changed to match original publication, measuring
sensitivity relative to the range in the observed response values rather than the range in
the estimated response values. See companion document for details of calculation and
an example with a tiny data set. Because of this change, sensitivities calculated
from earlier versions of HyperNiche should not be compared with sensitivities from this
version onward. Also replaced routine for calculating p-value from F statistic in
least-squares regression, allowing runs with very large data sets.
* ver. 2.13 Fixed occasional seemingly random "access violation" errors
when generating 3D response surfaces.
* ver. 2.12 Improved handling of evaluation of hand-edited models.
* ver. 2.11 Added threshold strength statistics to Fit Response Curves | 2D
and 3D. Updated companion pdf in Help system and other parts of Help.
* ver. 2.10 Added DPI Publication Size Calculator to Graph | File |
* ver. 2.09 Eliminated very large temporary file produced with GIS predictions
* ver. 2.08 Fixed out-of-range values in GIS predictions, the problem introduced
after v. 2.01. Added Boxplot | Preferences | Styles | Box Color.
Added to all Graphs | Preferences | Format | Gray Shades for Colors.
Added Graphs | Preferences | Symbols with twice the previous maxium
size. Improved Matrix repair algorithm for missing values.
* ver. 2.07 Fixed floating point overflow error with Scatterplot.
Fixed consecutive model numbering.
* ver. 2.06 Improved precision of predictors in 3D response graph with slices.
* ver. 2.05 Fixed Boxplot with negative numbers.
* ver. 2.04 Improved the Graph | Boxplot | Define Graph Range. Fixed
failure to import *.csv file with a small number of columns (one or two).
* ver. 2.03 Fixed access violation with Evaluate Selected Model.
Fixed access violation when graphing Boxplots twice in a row.
* ver. 2.02 Improvement in Graph | Boxplot setup. Fix for
analysis progress bar not visible after screensaver wakes up. Fixed PC-ORD
transparent windows on some computers. Faster sorting algorithm for Models Delete
All But Best Fits and Delete All But Best For N Predictors.
* ver. 2.01 Fixed stratified random sampling failure to run. |